Hi There,
Lovely to meet you!
A little bit about me:
My name is Sonja and “For The Pleasure Of Eating” is my food blog that focuses on the joy of eating while fuelling my body in a healthy way.
I’m a German living in Ireland since over 15 years. I suppose that makes me about 1/3 Irish by now.
I cooked nearly every day since I was about 16 and absolutely love experimenting with new flavours and unusual combinations. Working in a busy Rock Cafe kitchen for years before and during my apprenticeship gave me a good taste of being organised under pressure and I loved it. So while I’m by no means a trained chef, I do have over 30 years of cooking for myself and family under my belt.
And that’s exactly what I’ll share with you: Cook for yourself and your loved ones in doable yet exciting ways while incorporating lots and lots of plants, protein and sourdough.
Having done my apprenticeship and a few years of work in camera retail, gave me a good headstart on the technical aspects of photography. Plus of course doing it as a hobby for many years. Albeit more on the people photography side.
Needing a change due to arthritis, I went into IT for over 17 years.
5 of those for Blizzard Entertainment. I was one of the Gamemasters and filled multiple other roles during that time.
In the following 12 years I worked for Dell/EMC as a Business Advisor (or Workflow Manager), developing the ability to work under pressure even more.
Now I finally have the chance to start working fulltime on this blog after I was made redundant. Of course I’m grabbing that one with both hands!
My motto is: If it doesn’t create a party in my mouth, it’s not worth eating.
Fun Facts About Me
I’d rather be
with my horse
Listening to
rock and indie music
grateful for
My friends
Favorite place
my weekends
riding and meeting friends
best snuggle buddies
my dogs
My Favorite Dessert Recipe
My Favorite Dinner Recipe
My Favorite Sourdough Recipe
Why I Started This Food Blog
In summer 2020 I decided I want to lose some weight, but, being coffee fuelled and food motivated, I didn’t want to do it with a restrictive diet, that has me hangry all the time. Being a woman over 40 and having arthritis did not make things easier.
So I started figuring out my own way and lost 70lb in just 1 year, while still very much enjoying food and life in general.
This is what I will share here with you.
No matter if you’d like to lose a few pounds or just find new recipes to enjoy and share, you will find ideas here.