I’ve Got Some Exciting News To Share!
Exciting News, eh? Isn’t that what the big companies say, about pretty much any change? But especially when they are using oh so many words to tell you your job will be redundant?
I can’t help but giggle about the irony of that.
There has been a pretty big change in my life, giving me more time for this blog. And some of you might think first “Oh my god, so sorry!”, to which I say: Don’t be. But I’m getting ahead of myself.
“The heck is a horse doing on a food blog?” I hear you ask. Bear with me and read on.
The Exciting News
So let’s get straight to it, shall we?
Just a small but important ask:
Read this with the mindset I apply to almost everything, which is thinking of chances, opportunities and what life is telling me.
I Was Made Redundant
2 weeks ago I was made redundant from my main job. I have worked for Dell/EMC as a Senior Command Centre Advisor for 11 years and before that 1 years as Technical Support Engineer. Essentially I helped create the job of the “Workflow Manager” as we called it internally from day 1 this job came into being and now the company is moving away from needing it.
Why This is Great News
Part of that is because of AI improving, though honestly I have my doubts it’ll work out. But that’s not my concern anymore. Yay!
I wasn’t let go because of performance issues (I had consistently excellent performance reviews), but because my job is no longer needed, which is probably the best reason to be made redundant you can get.
And with that comes the great part: I got a severance package that allows me to dedicate at least a full years’ time to re-evaluate what I’d like to do. For the past year or so, since I started this blog, I repeatedly said to friends and myself “If only I had the time, I’d love to spend it on this blog!”. Now I can and I’m grateful for that chance. This change allows me to do exactly what I enjoy doing: Create recipes, cook, and photograph the results. And I’m delighted!
If any of you believe into the wish to the universe, I suppose this comes closest to the one I uttered a lot.
So for once I’m going to say the thing I always made fun of when I read it in company mails: “I am so excited about this new opportunity!”
What Are My Plans For Learning?
So many of them, where do I even start?
Oh, yeah, with the basics: Learn about the job!
Food Blogger Pro
First of all I’m currently learning more about blogging, to be able to improve my content for you. For this I’m using Food Blogger Pro, the best course about food blogging there is, since it’s run by the creators of Pinch of Yum. And if there is any food blog you know, it’s probably that one.
Their team is super helpful and the whole course has so much information, I’ll probably be learning from it for years. Just in case you ever though of starting your own blog (Do! Seriously! If you have any motivation at all, it can be incredibly satisfying!) this is the place to go and learn about it.
Nutritionist Certificate
While I read lots of books on the subject of nutrition, weight loss and plant based diets like “The Obesity Code“*, “Eat to Live“* and “Fibre Fuelled“*, I would still like a neutral and recognized form of education on the subject of nutrition. This will enable me to write recipes with even better balanced nutrition for you. So I’ll be signing up for the QQI course soon. It’ll take 10 weeks of active work, so probably a lot longer when working on it only in my free time. Which, ironically, is even more limited now, working on this blog. But I’ll get there. 🙂
And Books!
Look, I’m a bookworm since childhood, back then often reading one book per day, I kid you not.
So, it comes as no surprise that I’m using this habit to learn whatever I can about food and blogging. More so now with the changes in my life.
Currently on my Kindle is “Will Write for Food“* and on my desk, waiting for a few minutes of spare time here and there “The Elements of Baking“*. Both incredibly helpful resources for any blogger, teaching about both the writing and how to convert any baking recipes to vegan, gluten free, or dairy free.
So What’s In It For Me? I Hear You Ask
Better Recipes
I hope so anyway. Having time to do more cooking, baking, testing and devloping will mean I can invest it into the stuff you really want to see. From all the statistics tell me that is recipes about Protein, Sourdough and Plant Centred food. Which is what I love to do, so I’m super happy you are with me there!
With Pleasure
I will still post indulgent recipes that have nothing to do with the above, like my German Plum Streusel Cake or Cranberry Chocolate Meringue Pie with Pecan Crust because we all need a treat without thinking about health benefits from time to time, don’t we?
This blog, as the name suggests, is about the Pleasure of Eating, which means I create every single recipe with that goal in mind. And sometimes that mean simply leaving most “healthy” eating guidelines on the roadside and just enjoying the sheer pleasure food can bring.
And The Big Picture?
In the very long run, as in past the next 1 or 2 years, I plan to create balanced meal plans for you, helping you to include more plants, sourdough and protein into your diet, without having to figure it out all on your own.
A New Blog Section
With a little bit more time to think also comes the opportunity to tell you a little more about me. But I didn’t want to spam you in my recipe posts, and instead rather give you the choice if you’d like to read my ramblings about life, what I do, how I am and all the fluffies. So I added the new “Blog” category, where you’ll find all that.
Over time I’ll also use it to share a little more about my insights during the weight loss journey, how it is going and how this might help you.
I’d really love to interact with you, hear about your struggles, life and thoughts. So do feel free to comment and add your own ramblings, helping me feel like I’m not just talking to myself (frankly, I do that too! A lot!). 😉
Meet Kachina
Or: Why I Took A Break since May
Oh and another part of the exciting news (for me anyway, but maybe you love horses too?): I think I mentioned it before, as it took me away from this site for a good while: I bought a young Quarter Horse that I trained myself. Her name is Kachina, she is now 3.5 years old and I got her in April, starting her with the Principles of Training from Warwick Schiller.
I’ve been riding her since August, and it couldn’t go any better. Which means I now have time for both her and blogging!
If any of you is interested in reading what methods I use to train her and updates, let me know in the comments. I love talking about her!
Here are a few pictures I took of her since I got her.
This one was in May. She was still under 3, so I was only doing groundwork with her. Or just keeping her company in the field, while she was loudly snoring.
End of May, still very skinny after a long hard winter and a growth spurt.
End of June. I think I accidentally bought a Giraffe! She is very food motivated, just like me.
September, starting to look like a proper Quarter Horse.
The Near Future
I’ll post a few new recipes that wouldn’t leave me alone until I shared them with you in the next week, so you have some lovely holiday recipes from me. While you enjoy them, I will take a bit of time to change the look and feel of my site to a faster and more user friendly theme. Wish me luck…the last time had me nearly pulling out my hair and it had just re-grown!
In a year, I will re-evaluate how things are going, if I still enjoy it and if this can support me well enough to not go back to corporate work, which would be a dream come true.
Currently I’m not earning any money from this blog, hence the lovely add-free pages. But at some point I will have to change that to be able to continue doing what I enjoy and what you (hopefully) enjoy reading, cooking, and eating.
I’m very much looking forward to this next year with you.
To new beginnings! *Raises glass* (Ok look, it’s a cup of coffee at this time of the day, but hey, celebratory coffee is clearly a thing in my house!)